Stewing, Bubbling, Brewing

 Registration is closed for this event
Young Adult (18+) Youth Program

Good things take time. What’s cooking in your cauldron? This conference is all about the patience and slow work of creating something beautiful and nourishing. We will center a lot of the theme around cooking with lots of food projects throughout the weekend. Additionally, we will have discussions that will broaden our scope to anything from social justice to creative projects.

October 18th, 2024 6:00 PM through October 20th, 2024 1:15 PM
524 Pitt Hall Road
Old Chatham, NY 12136
United States
Event Fee(s)
Registration Fee
Standard Rate $220.00
First Time Youth Rate $160.00
Multiple Event Signup $180.00
Monthly Meeting Sponsorship $0.00
Financial Aid Request $0.00
Late Fee $20.00
Donation (Will be added to minimum deposit)
Powell House is the conference and retreat center of the
New York Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).
Powell House
524 Pitt Hall Rd
Old Chatham, NY
phone 518-794-8811
fax 518-794-8815

Adult Program
Youth Program